National New Waste Strategy & 21st Century Cities Conference

Written by Integrated Skills

Nov 14, 2018

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Birmingham City Council & Integrated Skills – ‘Government’s Waste & Recycling Strategy and 21st Century Cities’ Conference. Birmingham Council House. 13th November 2018


Joan Walley, Chair of the Aldersgate Group delivered the keynote address, anticipating the Government’s Waste & Recycling Strategy. Victoria Hutchin from WYG looked at the likely targets and challenges expected to be within the forthcoming Strategy document.

See Victoria’s presentation here: 21ccc Victoria Hutchin WYG Govt Waste & Rec Strat

Gareth Barwell, Head of Place Management at City of Edinburgh Council, set out the significant efficiencies and savings achieved at the Council by adopting RouteSmart and Integrated Skills in-cab and back office technology. Next, Vaughan Johnson – IT Business Services Manager at Colchester Borough Council – described the service improvements achieved through using Integrated Skills connected technology and incorporating this into ‘self-serve’ reporting through the Council’s website. Andy Clewes, Client Services Director at Integrated Skills, set out the range of tools available for Councils to make strategic decision-making and quickly respond to the Government’s Strategy Challenges.

See Gareth’s presentation here: 21ccc Gareth Barwell Edinburgh Tech for mtg targets
See Vaughan’s presentation here: 21ccc Vaughan Johnson colchester Connected Technologies for Waste
See Andy’s presentation here: 21ccc Andy Clewes Tools for change


After lunch, Girish Betadpur from Amnick Smart Cities, described how a Smart City might look within only a few years from now. Next, Suzie Hamlin – an organisational dynamics expert – gave examples of where she has worked with large organisations to ensure that new technology is adopted by staff – and not sabotaged. Stuart Henshaw, from Integrated Skills then set out ways in which local authorities can respond to the recent quality service revolution and pointed to areas where resources should be prioritised.

See Girish’s presentation here: 21ccc Girish Betadpur Smart Cities
See Suzie’s presentation here: 21ccc Suzie Hamlin Tech needs internal change
See Stuart’s presentation here: 21ccc Stuart Henshaw Improve service quality


Finally Trewin Restorick from Hubbub described a range of innovative projects and ideas to Nudge people to recycle more including on-street cigarette bins which both improve cleanliness and answer the long-debated question who is the best footballer in the world.

See Trewin’s presentation here: 21ccc Trewin Restorick Nudge people to recycle more

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