Case Studies

Countywide Integrated Waste and Recycling Collection Service


Northamptonshire Integrated Skills


  • Waste Management
  • Recycling
  • Route Optimisation

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The Northamptonshire Waste Partnership

Local Government is under increasing pressure to deliver real efficiencies while at the same time improving customer service. In response to this challenge, the Northamptonshire Waste Partnership (NWP) is exploring the potential savings to be gained from a more collaborative, countywide approach to waste and recycling collection services.

The NWP includes all seven of the Countyʼs Waste Collection Authorities (district and borough councils). Currently, each authority structures its collection service around its own area boundary, however, early indications show that substantial savings could be realised if different working arrangements are implemented.

This interim case study focuses on the results achieved by the pilot authority – Daventry District Council.

This project is a good example of a local authority partnership working hard to break down the barriers to collaborative working.” – Helen Richmond, Environmental Services Programme Manager, East Midlands Centre of  Excellence

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